Dakotawitch Divines

Ramblings and Readings

Daily Dakotawitch: Ten of Pentacles January 25, 2014

Ten of Pentacles, drawn from The Goddess Tarot by Kris Waldherr:

Pentacles in this deck are associated with Laxmi/Laksmi, Hindu Goddess of wealth, abundance, and prosperity. Pentacles are associated with Earth, with its powers of fertility, abundance, grounding, and governance of practical matters.

The Ten of Pentacles represents abundance and prosperity earned through hard work. This card comes into our lives when our efforts are about to pay off — the journey seems long, but don’t give up! Rewards are at hand. This card encourages us to stay the course and remain dedicated to our craft, skill, or calling. We will be richly rewarded soon. The Ten of Pentacles may also come into our lives when we are experiencing a period of financial strain or lack — January, anyone? 🙂 — to remind us that there is enough, that we will be taken care of if we just keep doing the next right thing. If you are looking for a job, this card indicates that an offer or opportunity will come your way — be alert for it!

10 of pentacles