Dakotawitch Divines

Ramblings and Readings

Happy Harvest Moon! One Card Draw September 8, 2014

Filed under: Uncategorized — Susan @ 3:53 pm

Happy Harvest Moon, Fellow Travelers! In honor of the Full Moon, I will be pulling cards for people until 11:59pm CST on Wednesday, September 10.

I’m doing something new this time! In honor of the Harvest Moon, each card drawn will answer the question: “What is the Universe urging me to harvest at this time?”

If you’d like to get some insight into what is ripe for harvest is your life right now, simply comment below. As always, this one card draw is free. The Tip Jar is open if you’d like to toss a little something my way!



New Moon Shine! One Card Draw August 25, 2014

In honor of the New Moon today, I’m doing a free one-card draw! If you’d like some guidance on what you should focus on this coming moon cycle, simply comment below. You can ask a specific question or simply say, “Card, please!” Readings will be given in the comments, unless you request that yours be sent via private email.

As always, the Tip Jar is open. Donate if you feel so moved.

Feel free to share this link far and wide — let’s spread the New Moon energy and insight!


Chang O


Summer Solstice Reading Specials! June 17, 2014

Filed under: Reading Specials,Uncategorized — Susan @ 9:51 pm
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Summer Solstice is nearly here — in the Northern Hemisphere, at least! As the midpoint of the solar year, Summer Solstice is an excellent time to reflect on what we’ve accomplished thus far, to revisit goals we set at Winter Solstice or the New Year, and to make wishes for our future. Some traditions say that making a wish on Midsummer’s Night is especially powerful magick!

In the spirit of Midsummer, I’m offering some reading specials to help you make the most of the season’s energies. To book a reading, simply leave a comment below or us the Contact Dakotawitch form!

Tara by Kris Waldherr

Tara by Kris Waldherr

Virtual Reading  Specials

All readings below are delivered via email within 48 hours of your order being placed. When you order, please indicate the reading you want, a specific question (if you wish), and the best email to send the reading to/bill you at. Payments taken via PayPal.

3 Card Tarot Spread: $3

A basic 3 card spread, which gives you insight into Past, Present, and Future. Choose from The Goddess Tarot or The Thoth Tarot.

3 Card Goddess Oracle Spread: $3

Three Goddesses from the Goddess Oracle by Amy Marashinski. Gives you insight into Past, Present, and Future.

3 Card Sacred Earth Oracle Spread: $3

Three cards from the Sacred Earth Oracle by Kris Waldherr give you insights into Past, Present, and Future via animals and the Elements

3 Card Conscious Spirit Oracle Spread: $3

Three cards from the Conscious Spirit Oracle by Kim Dreyer give you insight into Past, Present, and Future through Chakras and other Spiritual energies.

Celtic Cross Tarot Spread: $15

The classic 10 card spread that gives an overview of the situation, energies at work, and potential outcomes. Choose from the Goddess Tarot or the Thoth Tarot.

Wheel of the Year Spread: $15

Twelve cards from the deck of your choice (Tarot, Sacred Earth Oracle, or Conscious Spirit Oracle) give you an overview of the next twelve months. A great tool when setting goals and making plans, this spread gives you a heads up to the energies at work in your life so that you can best leverage them.

Intuitive Photo Reading: $20

I will intuitively read the photo of your choice and provide you with insight into what I learn from it. Includes one follow-up email session to answer further questions.

Dream Interpretation: $15

I will interpret one dream for you and provide you with insight into what I learn from the dream. Includes one follow-up email session to answer further questions.

Live Readings

All readings below are conducted live via Skype or Instant Messenger. In-person readings are available in the Dallas-Fort Worth Area. When you order, please indicate which reading you want, 2-3 days/times that are convenient for you to talk, whether you prefer Skype or Instant Messenger, and your best email to contact/bill you. Payment is taken through PayPal.

30 Minute Reading: $35

A one-on-one 30 minute consultation with me. Includes the Tarot or Oracle spread of your choice.

60 Minute Reading: $60

A one-on-one 60 minute consultation with me. Includes the Tarot or Oracle spread of your choice.


Free Draw Friday! March 28, 2014

This is your open one-card draw thread!

I will be reading off the Goddess Tarot by Kris Waldherr. If you’d like a reading, please comment  below. I can respond in comments or via private email — if you’d  prefer  a private reading, just leave me your email. You can ask a  specific  question, or simply ask for an overview.

As always, The Tip Jar  is out. Donate if you feel so moved. If you’re not able to, or  you feel  funny about it, I just ask that you pay it forward in some  way.

Sarasvati from The Goddess Tarot by Kris Waldherr

Sarasvati from The Goddess Tarot by Kris Waldherr


Daily Dakotawitch: Nine of Pentacles March 27, 2014

Nine of Pentacles, drawn from The Goddess Tarot by Kris Waldherr:

Pentacles in this deck are associated with Laxmi/Laksmi, Hindu Goddess of wealth, abundance, and prosperity. Pentacles are associated with Earth, with its powers of fertility, abundance, grounding, and governance of practical matters.

The Nine of Pentacles comes into our day to remind us to be grounded but also willing to take flight. The Nine of Pentacles appears when our ventures, projects, and efforts have almost reached completion and are ready to go out into the world. If you have been working on a project or venture, now is a good time to prepare to launch it, share it, or bring it to the world. This card assures us that our work is soon to pay off, and that what we share with the world will be well received. Like the dove poised on Laxmi’s hand, our fortunes and ideas are ready to take flight! This card also encourages us to give ourselves a pat on the back or other credit for our hard work, as well as take the time to thank those who have supported us.

Nine of Pentacles from The Goddess Tarot by Kris Waldherr

Nine of Pentacles from The Goddess Tarot by Kris Waldherr


Daily Dakotawitch: Six of Pentacles March 26, 2014

Six of Pentacles, drawn from The Goddess Tarot by Kris Waldherr:

Six of Pentacles from The Goddess Tarot by Kris Waldherr

Six of Pentacles from The Goddess Tarot by Kris Waldherr

Pentacles in this deck are associated with Laxmi/Laksmi, Hindu Goddess of wealth, abundance, and prosperity. Pentacles are associated with Earth, with its powers of fertility, abundance, grounding, and governance of practical matters.

The Six of Pentacles comes into our lives to remind us to share our gifts and bounty with others! Whether this is through the donation of our time or money to charity, helping out a friend who has fallen on hard times, or teaching others a skill, it is important to remember that we must give back. This card also encourages us to see how blessed we truly are — to acknowledge that there are people who would love to have what we have and be who we are. This can be hard to remember if we are dissatisfied with our lives — Laxmi and the Six of Pentacles encourages you to look at the larger picture! If you have been doubtful about your worth as a teacher, guide, or mentor, this card assures you that you have something worth offering and which people are ready to receive! Laxmi also reminds us that we cannot receive with a clenched fist — when we open our hand to give, we also receive, and so the cycle of abundance continues.


Sacred Wheels: 8 Week Journey Through the Chakras March 25, 2014

My first online class for 2014 is now open for registration!

The Conscious Spirit Oracle by Kim Dreyer

The Conscious Spirit Oracle by Kim Dreyer

Come take an 8 week journey through the chakras — the body’s sacred energy centers — with me.

Learn about each of the major chakras, including how to tune into them energetically, how to work with stones and essential oils for each chakra, and how to bring greater well-being into your life through chakra work.

When you register, you’ll get daily and weekly lessons, journal prompts, exercises, and meditations, as well as the support of a private Facebook group of like-minded seekers!

Check out my Classes and Courses page for more information, or head over to Eventbright to register.

Cost is $80 (US) per person.

Payment arrangements are available — contact me for information. Some partial scholarships may also be available.


Daily Dakotawitch: The Wawalak

Oppression/The Wawalak, drawn from The Goddess Tarot by Kris Waldherr

Oppression/The Wawalak equates to The Tower in traditional Tarot

Oppression appears in our lives when we feel as though things are out of control, or when there is a sense of foreboding. The Wawalak are Aboriginal Australian sister spirits who angered the Rainbow Serpent by polluting his sacred pool with a single drop of menstrual blood. The Wawalak encourage us to let go of guilt, shame, or narratives of not being good enough. You may be more aware of old messages of shame from your past at this time. Also beware of using shame and guilt as weapons against others at this time. Most of all, The Wawalak are here to tell you that a new beginning, a fresh start, is coming yur way if you are willing to welcome it!

Oppression/The Wawalak from The Goddess Tarot by Kris Waldherr

Oppression/The Wawalak from The Goddess Tarot by Kris Waldherr


Free Draw Friday! March 21, 2014

Filed under: One Card Draw — Susan @ 9:30 am
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This is your open one-card draw thread!

I will be reading off the Conscious Spirit  Oracle by Kim Dreyer. If you’d like a reading, please comment  below. I can respond in comments or via private email — if you’d  prefer  a private reading, just leave me your email. You can ask a  specific  question, or simply ask for an overview.

As always, The Tip Jar  is out. Donate if you feel so moved. If you’re not able to, or  you feel  funny about it, I just ask that you pay it forward in some  way.

Conscious spirit back


Daily Dakotawitch: Four of Swords March 19, 2014

Four of Swords, drawn from The Goddess Tarot by Kris Waldherr:

Swords in this deck are ruled by Isis, Egyptian Goddess of magick, medicine, motherhood, and wisdom. Swords represent creativity, passion, insight, courage.

The Four of Swords comes into our lives when it is time for us to rest and heal. We have been going full-force, and now it is time to allow our bodies and spirits to recuperate. Take time to meditate, pray, or relax. Dreams may be especially potent at this time — pay attention to what your nighttime self is telling you! Those who have been through significant emotional transitions and transformations, such as break-ups or divorces, will find healing and peace at this time. Know that resting for the next stage of your journey is the best gift you can give yourself!

Four of Swords from The Goddess Tarot by Kris Waldherr, courtesy of US Games

Four of Swords from The Goddess Tarot by Kris Waldherr, courtesy of US Games